Is it Sensory Or Behavior?
Framework for Understanding Challenging Behavior
Behavior is the REASON most people STRUGGLE! Discover what is causing that challenging behavior and learn plans and strategies to improve that behavior.
Do you often wonder if the behavior is related to sensory issues or behavioral issues?
By the end of this sessions, participants will be able to do the following:
Identify the components of behavior
Identify the different types of sensory responses
Identify at least three effective strategies to use in your session to reduce challenging behavior
Copy of Pre-Survey
Module 1
Module 1 Handout
Challenging Behavior Worksheet
Challenging Behavior Tool
Module 1 - Video
Module 1 Survey
Module 2
Module 2 Hand out
ABC Checklist Chart
Module 2
Module 2 Survey
Module 3
Module 3 Hand out
Module 3
Module 3 Survey
Module 4
Module 4 Hand out
Module 4
Module 4 Survey
Module 5
5. Case study
Module 5
Behavior or Sensory Resource List
Module 5 Survey
Occupational therapist and the co-owner of Blue Sparrow and Today’s Therapy Solutions.
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